Alright, I’m joining in the ChatGPT games.

I asked ChatGPT “How can I run a successful crowdfunding campaign?”- and do you know what? Its advice isn’t half bad.

It said:

Running a successful crowdfunding campaign requires careful planning and execution. Here are some tips to help you run a successful crowdfunding campaign:

  1. Choose the right platform: Choose a crowdfunding platform that aligns with your campaign’s goals and values, and has a strong track record of success.
  2. Set realistic goals: Set a realistic funding goal that is achievable and aligns with your campaign’s objectives.
  3. Create a compelling campaign page: Create a visually appealing and engaging campaign page that clearly communicates your project’s goals, benefits, and impact.
  4. Leverage social media: Use social media to build a community around your campaign, share updates, and drive traffic to your campaign page.
  5. Offer enticing rewards: Offer rewards that are attractive to your audience, and align with the level of support they provide.
  6. Engage your audience: Engage with your supporters throughout the campaign, and respond to their questions, feedback, and comments in a timely and personal manner.
  7. Leverage influencers: Identify and engage with influencers who align with your campaign’s values and can help spread the word about your campaign.
  8. Keep momentum going: Keep momentum going throughout the campaign by posting regular updates, sharing success stories, and engaging with your supporters.
  9. Fulfill rewards: Once the campaign ends, fulfill rewards in a timely and transparent manner, and keep your supporters updated on the progress of your project.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of running a successful crowdfunding campaign and achieving your fundraising goals.

This is genuinely pretty good advice! But I’m not worried about my job just yet. After all, most of this is information and guidance that can be found on any of the main platforms’ own websites, let alone everywhere else on the internet.

What’s more, when you work directly with me, you have someone on hand who’ll get into the detail of what it actually means to create a compelling campaign page, how to think about your story in terms of what you already know about your audiences (after all, you’re the expert on your own audiences – whether me or ChatGPT, we’ll never know them the way you do!) and why enticing rewards for one campaign might still not be the right fit for yours.

Also you get to have regular Zoom chats with me where I’ll gently and lovingly kick your arse, make you laugh, and get you all fired up about building your community. ChatGPT can’t d that bit. Yet…